Listen to the Globalists
By Tony Cartalucci
A great debate is going on amongst honest commentators over what is actually happening in Egypt. The debate stems from the horribly inaccurate information being supplied by the globalist owned mainstream media. A superficial look at AlJazeera, BBC, and CNN reveals that even their concerted efforts to build up public opinion behind the protesters are inconsistent. There is no better example than AlJazeera's 2 million man march, BBC's 100's of thousands man march, and CNN's tens of thousands man march.
Accomplished historian and unparalleled researcher Dr. Webster Tarpley outright calls AlJazeera a British intelligence operation, noting that Hahrir Square had at best 50,000 protesters at the height of the "march of millions." He attempts to point out that the protesters lack any pragmatic solutions amongst their demands.
The protesters' demands indeed lack any pragmatic, technical solutions for the myriad of problems that face Egyptian society, but their demands do become very specific regarding the changes in the system they would like to see. Protesters unfurled a banner enumerating these political "reforms."
Project on Middle East Democracy, a US National Endowment for Democracy funded NGO, translates the banner as saying: “Our demands: 1. deposing the president 2. dissolving the two illegitimate houses of parliament 3. lifting the state of emergency immediately 4. forming a caretaker national unity government 5. an elected parliament that amends the constitution to allow fair presidential elections 6. bringing murders of demonstrators to trial 7. immediate judicial proceedings against corrupt officials and those stealing the of the nation.”
Ironically, many of the globalist think-tanks cheer-leading the protests and distributing the mass media's talking points have also made these exact "demands." Could it be that this organic, spontaneous uprising against the Mubarak regime just so happens to resonate verbatim with the globalist policy wonks? The answer is most emphatically, no.
The International Crisis Group, of which protest leader Mohamed ElBaradei is a trustee, verbatim repeats the need for an interim national unity government, lifting the state of emergency, and amendments to the constitution especially in regards to elections.
The Council on Foreign Relations' "Foreign Policy" magazine features an article by Zalmay Khalilzad, of the globalist Center for Strategic and International Studies calling for the same "reforms," including Mubarak's immediate departure, a constitutional convention for amendments, and a "transitional government."
The Carnegie Middle East Center's piece "Egypt's Path Ahead: Agree to the People's Demands" by Amr Hamzawy also repeats these demands verbatim and insists Egypt bow to a 50,000 strong ochlocracy. Vice President and Director of Foreign Policy at the globalist Brookings Institute, Martin Indyk, wrote an article with the self-explanatory title "In Egypt, the Time Has Come for Mubarak To Go."
Fellow Brookings Institute member Shadi Hamid also weighs in. His prolific propagandizing should be of no surprise to anyone, as he had served on the globalists' National Endowment for Democracy funded NGO Project on Middle Eastern Democracy mentioned above. It should be noted that NGOs play a vital role in shaping and manipulating public opinion in regards to the globalist agenda.
In USA Today Hamid authored "Why You Should Care About Egypt," in which he displays complete contempt for his readers by simplistically begging, "Should Americans care? Only if they care about 80 million people who yearn for freedom." He argues that President Obama's initial support for Mubarak was folly and that now is the time to support the Egyptian people.
This push comes from the same think-tanks that suggested as early as March 2010 that the US initially feign support for Mubarak so as to avoid bringing anti-American sentiment upon the protest leaders. Hamid's clever "plea" was meant to give Obama a bridge to make the crossover to supporting "democracy."
By now, it should be abundantly clear what the globalists amongst their think-tanks desire for Egypt. Their consensus should come as no surprise as prominent US policy makers like Zbigniew Brzezinski and George Soros have seats on boards in nearly all of them. The fact that the protesters on the street and the mainstream media reflect this desire verbatim tells us exactly what is going on in Egypt.
While the protests falter and Mubarak has rejected the globalists' consensus, the globalists are now signaling a compromise. Total system change and a new regime was their ultimate goal, but they are now pressing for a "Turkish" model where they can negotiate with the military to ensure the reforms they want are made. CFR's Steven Cook points out that the Egyptian army has little motivation for such compromises. This begs one to wonder if reports of US navy ships deploying to the area aren't meant to strengthen the globalists' hand in this matter, rather than their stated purpose of assisting in evacuations.