June 22, 2010
Editing note:
1. To be clear, 9/11 was an inside job, perpetrated by western intelligence operatives. Please see Loose Change, available for free on YouTube for exhaustive documented evidence.
2. The Ford Foundation has been removed from the list of ASMA supporters, though it indirectly funds it via grants to the Ms. Foundation, Rockefeller Philanthropy, and the Global Fund for Women, as well as funding the Council on Foreign Relations itself, direclty. Further information can be found here, at Ford Foundation's Grant Database.
The anger and disbelief that most Americans feel may seem reasonable when they hear a
What these more discerning Americans found when investigating the "Ground Zero Mosque" and the organization behind it, the Cordoba Initiative, will shock you, anger you, and honestly, should scare you.
The Mainstream Media Weighs In
Peter Worthington of the Toronto Sun's "Ground Zero mosque an ill tribute to 9/11 victims"
Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe's " A mosque at ground zero?"
Considering the headlines, the media acknowledges the inflammatory, easily misconstrued intentions of the Cordoba Initiative. The media only speculates as to why the Cordoba Initiative is so seemingly ignorant of the perceptions many Americans have of their plans.
America is divided along two predictable knee-jerk reactions. One is of anger, hatred, and a call for a tougher hardline approach to an expanding "clash of civilizations" between the West and Islam. Another is one of unconditional tolerance. What neither side did, including the pundits feeding both sides, was take five minutes to research who was funding the Cordoba Initiative and who founded it in the first place.
Behind the Cordoba House
The Cordoba Initiative was founded by 'Imam' Feisal Abdul Rauf, who is also sitting on the Council on Foreign Relations' Religious Advisory Committee and the World Economic Forum's Council of 100. Cited as "Christian support for the Cordoba House" on the Cordoba Initiative's website, is an article from Jim Wallis' Christian publication, "Sojourners." Jim Wallis also sits on the CFR's Religious Advisory Committee. Conflict of interest doesn't enter the "Imam's" vocabulary when it comes to rubber stamping "Christian support" on his project.
The Cordoba Initiative is partners with the American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA), who Feisal Abdul Rauf also chairs, and under which the site for the $100 million Cordoba House was purchased. The list of financial supporters for the ASMA reads like a who's who of globalist foundations and includes the Carnegie Corporation of New York, Rockefeller Brothers, Rockefeller Philanthropy, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
The CFR Connection
But it was Feisal Abdul Rauf's Council on Foreign Relations connection that is most striking. The CFR is a corporate think-tank that supplies our elected representatives with a steady stream of policy and whose membership consists not of intellectual thinkers, but of notorious policy wonks, globalist mega-corporations and bankers. Below is a list of a few of the CFR's corporate members.
Bank of America
Goldman Sachs
Chevron Corporation
Exxon Mobil Corporation
General Electric Company
JPMorgan Chase & Company
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Morgan Stanley
Shell Oil Company
Rockefeller Group International, Inc.
The Blackstone Group L.P.
Boeing Company
DynCorp International
Raytheon Company
Rothschild North America, Inc.
Many of these corporations have made trillions of dollars from the Iraq and Afghan wars, some even played integral parts in calling for the wars. Two of which, Veritas' DynCorp and KBR are in the top ten list of corporations profiting from the war in Iraq.
If the public can be played right, they all stand to make trillions more with an invasion of Iran, the subsequent rebuilding of its shattered infrastructure and the seizure of their southern oil fields. The Bill of Rights being repealed in the wake of this "war on terror" and justified with this continued "clash of civilizations" has enabled the various bankers on the above list to loot America and Europe with impunity and neutralize those who rise up in protest as "domestic terrorists."
And what about individual CFR members?
That is former vice-president Dick Cheney. He and nearly the entire Bush-Neocon pro-war inner circle are all CFR members, including Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Vin Weber, John R. Bolton, General Colin L. Powell, Condoleezza Rice, and Robert Zoellick.
The CFR's war mongering membership is non-partisan. Under front-man Barrack Obama, General David H. Petraeus, Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Timothy F. Geithner, Paul Volcker, Henry M. Paulson, Jr. are all CFR members doing their part to continue the wars and loot the country.
Feisal Abdul Rauf's membership in the CFR along with the various globalist foundations funding the ASMA and Cordoba Initiative point to the building of the Cordoba House as a deliberate and provocative move by the globalist elite to create more fear, anger, and hatred towards Muslims while expanding the manufactured "clash of civilizations."
Angry Americans will continue viewing Islam as an irrational, omnipresent enemy constantly menacing them. They will continue to believe that war and the erosion of their own natural rights are the only answers to this manufactured crisis. In reality the global elite that compose the CFR are consolidating their control over humanity. They realize the effect of 9/11 on America's psyche is fading and they sincerely hope that by building the provocative Cordoba House, emotions and ignorance will rule the day and their wars and crimes will carry on in earnest, completely justified in the minds of the witless masses.