Back in high school we probably saw some chart explaining the workings of our government, complete with the House of Representatives, the Senate, Executive Branch, and the Courts. We saw a lot of arrows going back and forth showing the flow of the people's mandated policy in action.
As we get older and we realize that these elected representatives never seem to actually do what we voted them into office to do (Pelosi not ending the wars nor holding the Republicans accountable, or the Republicans' failure to minimize the bloated socialist empire Clinton built over the course of 8 years). In fact, we start to notice that American policy seems to be moving in a linear direction regardless of who's in the White House. So who ARE the politicians getting their orders from if not the people?
"Money makes the world go round," "everyone has their price," "money is the root of all evil," yes, yes, cliches we can all agree are true to a certain degree. So billionaire industrialists and banking houses - with the majority of the world's wealth in their hands, would be "making the world go round." If "everyone has a price" how hard would it be for billionaire industrialists or bankers to make a reasonable bid on just about anyone's integrity? And if money is "the root of all evil," wouldn't those with the most stand to be capable of the greatest evil?
Cliches aside, our policy is not decided by our elected representatives. They are nothing more than a proxy between special interests and the masses. Let's take a look at a more "realistic" postulation on how power and policy is distributed and implemented. Remember, this is a "postulation," and there is plenty of room for debate.
#1. The Bilderberg Group is a yearly meeting between the world's most powerful leaders and policy makers, along with executives from the largest companies on earth. They make decisions at these yearly meetings, which are then passed onto either #2. the already existing cogs of world government, the WTO, UN, or World Bank - or onto #3. & #4., regional think tank groups chock-full of elitists and policy wonks. Here they work out the details for implementation as well as how politicians will sell these policies to the public.
#5. Here we have the government - who sells the policy to the public as well as making it "legitimate" via law. We also have corporations that are used either to exploit the policy or at times help implement it. These corporations generally have members of the elitists and think tanks sitting on their boards of directors.
#6. Recruitment. Corporations, media groups, the military, and universities are a buffer zone between the people and the elitists. They draw from the masses into their lowest ranks many people to serve their designs. They also serve as mouth pieces for the elitists, justifying and legimizing the policy being handed down. Talented individuals are often cultivated or co-opted by the elite as they rise up through the levels of this machine and approach the levers of power. By the time they reach real power, the establishment has enough dirt on them, enough leverage over them, to keep them in line and policy on course.
I'm sure there is a lot of room for disagreement here. It is a work in progress, but one thing is for sure, it goes much further explaining why the world is in the state it is than that homely diagram in my social studies textbook back in high school.