by Tony Cartalucci
December 6, 2011 - As chairman of the International Republican Institute, an organization dedicated to fomenting extraterritorial sedition and revolution throughout the world, US Senator John McCain has become a central figure in the current Western-engineered campaign against the Arab world. The IRI was even credited by the New York Times as helping "nurture the Arab uprisings" by funding and training activists from across the Arab world who would later go on to overthrow their respective governments. Unlike many of the other podium-bound puppets that constitute Western politics, McCain is fully aware and very public about the final destination of the unrest and now open war, he is ceaselessly promoting.

Earlier this year John McCain openly said of the unrest his IRI had helped fund in Egypt, "I would be a little less cocky in the Kremlin with my KGB cronies today if I were Vladimir Putin. I would be a little less secure in the seaside resort [of] President Hu and a few men who govern and decide the fate of 1.3 billion people."
On the IRI's official website in regards to Russia, the organization confesses to "identifying and supporting leaders" at the local and regional levels of Russian politics to "lay the groundwork for Russia's next generation of democratic leadership." The IRI then goes on to explain it has, "created a new network of politicians, NGO activists and elected officials who are interested in the democratic development of municipal governance." And with this US-created Russian opposition network, the IRI then sponsors conferences, and roundtables to help them "increase public participation," (read: find people to join a US-backed opposition movement).

Image: Screenshot taken from the National Endowment for Democracy website featuring US funding for the NGO "Golos." Golos allegedly was searching for "election irregularities." Golos and other US-backed NGOs and opposition parties are now attempting to trigger an "Arab Spring" in Russia. (click to enlarge.)
Within this context, we find that the work of McCain's IRI recently manifested itself when it was caught meddling in Russia's elections. The National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a US government funded umbrella organization under which the IRI falls and the IRI itself, were behind several US-backed NGOs, particularly Golos, seeking to "expose voting irregularities." The purpose of this was of course to cast doubts on the validity of the elections and justify street mobs brought out by the Russian opposition groups the IRI had been cultivating in an attempt to trigger an "Arab Spring" in Russia.

Image: Screenshot taken of McCain's messages regarding unrest he and his IRI have prepared and are now trying to trigger in the streets of Russia. (click to enlarge.)
As if to immediately head off the skeptics of this unfortunate reality - of the US meddling in an immensely populated, nuclear armed, sovereign nation-state - McCain himself would arrogantly declare on Twitter, "Dear Vlad (Vladimir Putin), The ArabSpring is coming to a neighborhood near you." McCain would then link to a Wall Street Journal article framing with exactitude the very narrative of opposition parties filling the streets with protesters after "election irregularities" were exposed by US-financed NGO "Golos."
McCain would later link to an anonymous Washington Post editorial (which we now know are written by paid corporate lobbyists, like those within the Podesta Group) which tried to draw comparisons between the recent protests in Russia and the "Arab Spring." Golos was again mentioned, however, the Washington Post made no mention of its US-funding. The Post then breathtakingly states that in response to the protests and the apparent losses during the elections, Putin would, "move in a more dangerous direction, stoking Russian nationalism and looking for enemies at home and abroad." This, after the US has just attempted to destabilize and overthrow Putin's government, and with one of the very men funding the sedition threatening Russia with an "Arab Spring."
More alarmingly was the Washington Post's anonymous advice to President Obama which was to, "be prepared to deflect such attacks and to defend other likely Putin targets, such as the democratic government of Georgia. In the meantime, the democratic world can hope that Sunday was the beginning, and not the end, of a Russian awakening."
Of course Georgia in 2008, under directions of its US allies, attempted to invade Russian-protected South Ossetia, triggering a dangerous proxy conflict that saw hundreds killed. And as we've seen in Libya, and now in Syria, protests in the street verifiably triggered by the US NED and its subsidiaries, while portrayed as genuine and spontaneous by the corporate-media, are in fact the first step of American military aggression. The veiled threats by the Washington Post regarding proxy military agitators like Georgia are analogous to the US' funding and arming Libyan and now Syrian militants.
While McCain and a growing, concerted chorus of corporate-media propagandists insist that it is Vladimir Putin who must be vigilant and wary of coming unrest, it is actually both the American and Russian people, and the various proxies these two powerful nations will mobilize to their defense that will inevitably suffer the consequences. John McCain and the corporate-fascists surrounding him, the Obama administration and every lever of power within the Western world is steering "we the people" into an escalating crisis with a nuclear armed superpower. When one nation attempts to overthrow the sovereign government of another nation, it most certainly is an act of war.
Unlike during the Libyan conflict, or any number of other nations that the US has meddled in and sown deadly chaos throughout, a similar conflict with Russia will not be one enjoyed by Americans watching it unfold on TV. As the end approaches of this zero sum game, the stakes will exponentially rise, so too will the consequences. If Americans would like to edge their nation away from the precipice of World War III, they may want to examine just who is behind men like McCain. Then we must expose them, boycott them, and ultimately replace them.