The Lost Key to Real Revolution
commentary by Tony Cartalucci
By boycotting the British system, the Founding Fathers were already
free and independent men by the time they signed the Declaration of
Independence. The coming war would be to defend that freedom.
Yes things are bad, but what can we do? Intolerable acts drove colonial men subjected to the sting of tyranny into action over two centuries years ago. Before the great battles of the American Revolution took place and the victory that followed, the Founding Fathers took it upon themselves to declare their independence not only by writ, but also by action. Our Founding Fathers ceased the import of British goods, they created their own monetary system, they assembled their own militias, and most importantly they formed their own government based upon their own values, not King George's self-interest.
This truly measurable independence turned out to be the key to their success, for independence is freedom, and freedom from tyranny is victory. The battle they fought was not one to free themselves, instead, it was fought to defend the freedom from the British system they had already achieved.
This is perhaps the most overlooked lesson we fail to understand today. We are faced with a tyranny that also spans the globe. It is a tyranny long ago left unchecked and long ago left to fester. It is now a tyranny that runs amok at such pace it may perhaps even destroy itself bringing everyone over the precipice of disaster with it. However, the system born of this tyranny is one we still undoubtedly depend on in our everyday lives.
Can any of us deny that intolerable acts have been committed against us, not least what has been committed in our names? If not, then now is the time to make ourselves independent, now is the time to begin freeing ourselves from this system. The Founding Fathers did not drink British tea as they camped in the mud, froze in the snow, or marched into battle. But more importantly, before the battles as they signed their names upon their historic declaration, they had already long boycotted it. In this way we too must commit ourselves to boycotting and replacing this system we see as unjust. We cannot possibly be "free" of something we are still entirely dependent on.
Should we succeed in this endeavor, then we may declare ourselves independent and enjoy and protect the freedom such independence implies. Perhaps two centuries from now, our ancestors will say, "Our forefathers didn't shop the globocrats' Walmart." To be sure, it will not be easy. The Founding Fathers' journey toward independence was as much a battle in many ways as the war they fought to defend it.
The Founding Fathers boycotted the British Empire that so stung them with tyranny. We must identify those that deliver the sting of tyranny to us now. We must look past the politicians, "follow the money" and "make the connections" between the injustice we see and those who are organizing and benefiting from it.
Here are some lists to get started with:
It will not be easy and it will not happen overnight. It is up to us, each and every day starting today, to decide how and where we spend our money, what we do with our free time, to whom we pay our attention to and who we choose to follow. Little by little we can regain our independence while simultaneously eroding the power and influence that has made this tyranny so grievous.
What can we do? This is what we can do, and we can do it starting now. Boycott the globalists.
commentary by Tony Cartalucci

free and independent men by the time they signed the Declaration of
Independence. The coming war would be to defend that freedom.
Yes things are bad, but what can we do? Intolerable acts drove colonial men subjected to the sting of tyranny into action over two centuries years ago. Before the great battles of the American Revolution took place and the victory that followed, the Founding Fathers took it upon themselves to declare their independence not only by writ, but also by action. Our Founding Fathers ceased the import of British goods, they created their own monetary system, they assembled their own militias, and most importantly they formed their own government based upon their own values, not King George's self-interest.
This truly measurable independence turned out to be the key to their success, for independence is freedom, and freedom from tyranny is victory. The battle they fought was not one to free themselves, instead, it was fought to defend the freedom from the British system they had already achieved.
This is perhaps the most overlooked lesson we fail to understand today. We are faced with a tyranny that also spans the globe. It is a tyranny long ago left unchecked and long ago left to fester. It is now a tyranny that runs amok at such pace it may perhaps even destroy itself bringing everyone over the precipice of disaster with it. However, the system born of this tyranny is one we still undoubtedly depend on in our everyday lives.
Can any of us deny that intolerable acts have been committed against us, not least what has been committed in our names? If not, then now is the time to make ourselves independent, now is the time to begin freeing ourselves from this system. The Founding Fathers did not drink British tea as they camped in the mud, froze in the snow, or marched into battle. But more importantly, before the battles as they signed their names upon their historic declaration, they had already long boycotted it. In this way we too must commit ourselves to boycotting and replacing this system we see as unjust. We cannot possibly be "free" of something we are still entirely dependent on.
Should we succeed in this endeavor, then we may declare ourselves independent and enjoy and protect the freedom such independence implies. Perhaps two centuries from now, our ancestors will say, "Our forefathers didn't shop the globocrats' Walmart." To be sure, it will not be easy. The Founding Fathers' journey toward independence was as much a battle in many ways as the war they fought to defend it.
The Founding Fathers boycotted the British Empire that so stung them with tyranny. We must identify those that deliver the sting of tyranny to us now. We must look past the politicians, "follow the money" and "make the connections" between the injustice we see and those who are organizing and benefiting from it.
Here are some lists to get started with:
It will not be easy and it will not happen overnight. It is up to us, each and every day starting today, to decide how and where we spend our money, what we do with our free time, to whom we pay our attention to and who we choose to follow. Little by little we can regain our independence while simultaneously eroding the power and influence that has made this tyranny so grievous.
What can we do? This is what we can do, and we can do it starting now. Boycott the globalists.