The article "Globalists Fueling Unrest in Thailand" has been updated to include the following information regarding the globalist stooge Thaksin Shinawatra, the leader of the "red" color revolution:
Bangkok, Thailand June 9, 2011 - More documents have been found regarding Thaksin Shinawatra's extensive support provided by some of the largest lobbying and law firms on earth. The US Senate maintains a lobbying disclosure database that can be searched providing irrefutable evidence that Amsterdam & Peroff, Baker Botts, Barbour Griffith & Rogers, and Kobre & Kim have provided their services to Thaksin Shinawatra.
The Barbour Griffith & Rogers lobbying registration literally states under "specific lobbying issues," that the firm will, "provide strategic counsel on U.S. government policy and assist with advancing the individual's desire to promote democracy in Southeast Asia." With everything learned from watching the contrived "Arab Spring," BGR's assistance with advancing Thaksin's "desire to promote democracy in Southeast Asia" is quite obviously the continuation of the Thai "red" color revolution.

Globalist stooge Thaksin Shinawatra dutifully reports before the Council on Foreign Relations on September 18th 2006, on the eve of the military coup that has ousted him from power. Since then, he has attempted to seize back power via a globalist supported "red" color revolution.
The Baker Botts lobbying registration states that the firm will, "develop and implement a strategic approach to the various internatioanl legal and political issues that confront Dr. Thaksin due to the coup of September 19. The firm will monitor the evolution of US polices towards the interim government in Thailand or the Administration's position regarding attempts by Dr. Thaksin's return to Thailand and may subsequently undertake contacts as necessary to ensure that such policies remain consistent with those currently in place." Openly, the influential, politically connected Baker Botts firm is talking about ensuring US policy aligns with both their own agenda and the agenda of their client.
In 2007, the New York Times references Thaksin's relationship with James Baker in an article titled, "Chasing Thaksin's cash carries risk for Thai generals," where it states, "Thaksin seems to be contemplating using connections abroad to pressure the junta. Baker Botts, his law firm in the United States which is tied to JamesBaker III, a former U.S. secretary of state, issued a statement Monday decrying the asset freeze. It showed that "Thailand remains in the grip of military rule that is divorced from the rule of law," the firm said."
Additionally, the US Department of Justice maintains the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) database where Thaksin's registration under Daniel Edelman of the Edelman PR firm can be found. FARA is described on the website as, "a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities." This confirms previous statements made regarding the political, rather than legal nature of the work being done by current Thaksin lobbyist, Robert Amsterdam.
The entire article, including the updated information, can be found here.