by Tony Cartalucci

open yet another front in the globalists' war against humanity.
In an unsurprising move that was all but inevitable, the UN has decided to enforce a no-fly zone over Libya to save the globalist-backed rebellion sputtering in failure and bordering on a "Bay of Pigs" disaster. Canadian, US, French, Arab, and UK jets are already reported to be preparing for the operation.
The Libyan rebellion began on February 17, 2011 after a call from London based Libyan opposition leaders of the NCLO for a "Day of Rage" (Arabic link: use Google Translator). The call was fashioned after the US State Department recruited, trained, funded, and supported uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt. The most recent admission of US involvement in the "Arab Spring" came from Hillary Clinton herself who admitted the US State Department, the Department of Defense, and the Broadcasting Board of Governors have been funding tech firms providing the revolutions with tools to circumvent cyber security employed by various Western targeted regimes.
Unlike in Egypt and Tunisia, Libya lacked the seditious "civil society" underlay to reinforce the ficticious narrative that the people merely wanted "freedom and democracy." Indeed for Libya, this is just one of many foreign backed violent uprisings designed and supported by the West to oust Qaddafi over the last three decades.
Libyan rebels struggled against a "legitimacy deficient" from the beginning with their opposition leaders stationed in Washington and London, and NFSL/NCLO
leader Ibrahim Sahad giving interviews literally in front of the White House.
leader Ibrahim Sahad giving interviews literally in front of the White House.
A Time-line of Western meddling in Libya:
1980's: US-CIA backed National Front for the Salvation of Libya (NFSL) made multiple attempts to assassinate Qaddafi and initiate armed rebellion throughout Libya.
1990's: Noman Benotman and the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) wage a campaign of terror against Qaddafi with Osama Bin Laden's assistance, as well as MI6.
2005: NFSL's Ibrahim Sahad founds the National Conference of Libyan Opposition (NCLO) in London England.
2011: Early February, the London based NCLO calls for a Libyan "Day of Rage," beginning the "February 17th revolution."
2011: Late February NFSL/NCLO's Ibrahim Sahad is leading opposition rhetoric, literally in front of the White House in Washington D.C. Calls for no-fly zone in reaction to unsubstantiated accusations Qaddafi is strafing "unarmed protesters" with warplanes.
2011: Late February Senators Lieberman and McCain and UK PM David Cameron call for providing air cover for Libyan rebels as well as providing them additional arms.
2011: Early March; it is revealed UK SAS special forces are already operating inside Libya
2011: Mid-March; UN adopts no-fly zone over Libya, including air strikes.
As we can see, the attempt to oust Qaddafi, barring unsubstantiated reports from the BBC, Al Jazeera, and the Israeli media, form a continuous, linear time-line of attacks, interference, and the backing of rebel groups including the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LFIG) which received the "auspicious" support of both Al Qaeda and British MI6. One of the leaders of the LIFG, Noman Benotman, now resides happily in London after admittedly consorting with Bin Laden. He divides his time between "fighting extremism" within the ranks of the Quilliam Foundation and giving the Libyan rebels rhetorical support throughout the mainstream media.
It should also be no surprise that Benotman's "Quilliam Foundation," despite being opposed to extremism, has been great supporters of the armed Libyan rebellion and has published a paper specifically addressing building a coalition against Qaddafi. It appears that while Benotman allegedly disbanded the LIFG, he is now merely backing another group of armed militants (including recently released LIFG fighters) carrying on his mission to oust Qaddafi.
Noman Benotman: one of the CIA/MI6's loose ends. After consorting with
Bin Laden he is now residing in London and a darling of the mainstream media.
Apparently all can be forgiven as long as you support the globalist agenda.
Bin Laden he is now residing in London and a darling of the mainstream media.
Apparently all can be forgiven as long as you support the globalist agenda.
With this 30 year tangled web of "terrorist," CIA, and MI6 run operations in Libya, backed by an army of Libyan dissidents residing in London and Washington, the worst fears of those claiming "Al Qaeda" is but a contrivance of Western intelligence agencies seems to be confirmed once again. With a known terrorist living comfortably in London, to this day supporting militancy within the confines of the "anti-extremist" Quilliam Foundation, it appears that men like David Shayler may have been telling the truth about MI6-Al Qaeda collaborations.
While the globalists struggle to keep their narratives straight, as air support is being arranged to back former LIFG/Al Qaeda fighters in Libya, but strafing civilians supposedly to stop Al Qaeda in Pakistan, we must remember the real humanitarian tragedy these resources are being diverted away from.
There are multiple nuclear meltdowns in progress in Japan's Fukushima prefecture, an unprecedented 9.0 earthquake and catastrophic damage resulting from the subsequent tsunami. There are tens of millions of lives in Japan alone that are in danger, and as nuclear fallout blows across the Pacific, tens of millions more on the US West Coast that stand to be affected. Amidst such historical chaos one would expect to see the UN, EU, US and UK giving their undivided resources and attention to mitigating this disaster.
Instead they have been myopically obsessing over the situation in Libya and how they can best squander their collective resources and interfere in a sovereign nation's domestic affairs. While a real humanitarian disaster unfolds, and is compounded daily by inaction and incompetence amongst the "global community," the corporate owned media has been inventing a humanitarian disaster in Libya to justify "all but invasion." There is a crime against humanity unfolding; the West's response in Japan, and the creeping war stretching over Libya.
Please see "Western Response to Japan: The Real Crime Against Humanity" for more information on what you can do to put an end to this.
The globalist IISS myopically obsessed with appropriating the West's stretched resources, not for aid in Japan, but to bolster Western-backed rebels in Libya in their so-far disastrous bid to oust Qaddafi.
While the globalists struggle to keep their narratives straight, as air support is being arranged to back former LIFG/Al Qaeda fighters in Libya, but strafing civilians supposedly to stop Al Qaeda in Pakistan, we must remember the real humanitarian tragedy these resources are being diverted away from.
There are multiple nuclear meltdowns in progress in Japan's Fukushima prefecture, an unprecedented 9.0 earthquake and catastrophic damage resulting from the subsequent tsunami. There are tens of millions of lives in Japan alone that are in danger, and as nuclear fallout blows across the Pacific, tens of millions more on the US West Coast that stand to be affected. Amidst such historical chaos one would expect to see the UN, EU, US and UK giving their undivided resources and attention to mitigating this disaster.
Instead they have been myopically obsessing over the situation in Libya and how they can best squander their collective resources and interfere in a sovereign nation's domestic affairs. While a real humanitarian disaster unfolds, and is compounded daily by inaction and incompetence amongst the "global community," the corporate owned media has been inventing a humanitarian disaster in Libya to justify "all but invasion." There is a crime against humanity unfolding; the West's response in Japan, and the creeping war stretching over Libya.
Please see "Western Response to Japan: The Real Crime Against Humanity" for more information on what you can do to put an end to this.