Judy Clarke to Defend Arizona Suspect

Judy Clarke has been sought out to defend Jared Loughner

by Tony Cartalucci

The facts surrounding the Arizona shooting that claimed 6 lives including Judge John Roll, and injured several more including US Representative Gabrielle Giffords, are still forthcoming. This isn't stopping the two-headed globalist media machine from leveraging the event to suspend free speech, further disarm the public and justify the ever increasing police state being built up by various contrived federal agencies like the Department of Homeland Security.

As pundits fall into the all too familiar trap of demagogic infighting over who may have motivated the suspected and incredibly deranged Jared Loughner, suspicious circumstances are creeping by unnoticed.

It was announced with little notice by the alternative media that none other than attorney Judy Clarke would be defending Loughner. Judy Clarke has made a career handling suspects at the center of high-profile globalist gambits, including the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, Olympic bomber Eric Rudolph, Oklahoma City Bomber Timothy McVeigh, and 9/11's Zacarias Moussaoui.

To say Judy Clarke has an impressive collection of mentally deranged patsies would be an understatement. One must wonder whether Judy Clarke's skill set is really that impressive and unique in defending a particular brand of lunatic, coincidentally involved in "anti-government" violence or whether her involvement and reliability indicates a certain level of control and quarantine needed for a cover-up.

Only time will tell as details and information trickle out, and only if the alternative media raises its head from about the demagogic infighting long enough to see and report them.