by Tony Cartalucci
Bangkok, Thailand July 15, 2011 - Associated Press reports that, "U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says the Obama administration has decided to formally recognize Libya’s main opposition group as the country’s legitimate government. The move gives foes of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi a major financial and credibility boost."
In an act of utter desperation as the brutal, though entirely ineffective Libyan rebels flounder in their NATO-backed offensives against Libya's ruling government in Tripoli, the US has now recognized the Libyan rebels as the country's "legitimate government" allowing the US to directly fund, arm, and support with US troops, the Al-Qaeda tied war criminals operating out of Benghazi. The recent farcical move indicates that France's Foreign Minister Alain Juppé has failed in his threats and posturing to get Libya's Qaddafi to stand down, and that the NATO-backed war of aggression is about to reach new heights of brutality most likely including the involvement of US, UK, and French troops on the ground.
Libyan Rebels are Al-Qaeda - On Record
Operating out of the Libyan cities of Benghazi, Darna, and Tobruk, Libyan rebels themselves have admitted that many of their members are drawn from Al Qaeda. The London Telegraph has reported that Libyan rebel leader Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi had admitted many of his fighters had just returned from fighting US forces in Iraq. The Telegraph also reported that Hasidi himself had "earlier fought against "the foreign invasion" in Afghanistan, before being captured in 2002 in Peshwar, in Pakistan. He was later handed over to the US, and then held in Libya before being released in 2008." A United States Army West Point report confirms indeed that fighters drawn from the Libyan cities of Benghazi, Darna, and Tobruk were second only to Saudi Arabia in contributing forces to fight US troops in Iraq.

This illustrates the absurdity of both the "War on Terror" and the current NATO-backed operations unfolding in Libya, where the same known terrorists are used both as an excuse for global intervention and continued foreign occupation while concurrently provided arms, air cover, legitimacy, and now direct funding while participating in global intervention. On full display for the world to see is how the global corporatocracy manipulates and exploits all sides of any given conflict for their own nefarious self-serving ends. One must wonder what races through the minds of US and UK pilots as they provide air support for the very men they strafed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Libyan Rebels are Documented War Criminals
In an April 2011 New York Times article titled, "Inferior Arms Hobble Rebels in Libya War," a weepy narrative is told of under-armed, outclassed rebels who have been compelled by their circumstances to commit horrific atrocities and war crimes. The New York Times describes a "tolerance for at least a small number of child soldiers," and blamed a lack of command-and-control for "instances of abusive or outright brutal conduct" rather than a lack of ethical principles or their foreign-funded, illegitimate cause.
The New York Times article describes the rebels' use of Grad rockets often described as indiscriminate war weapons and whose use by Qaddafi's forces have been cited as a contributing factor for NATO's intervention. The article also makes mention of the rebels' use of landmines - also a contributing factor cited by the warmongering criminals of NATO for their intervention in North Africa.
More recently, the Soros-funded Human Rights Watch released a report indicating that civilians were being abused (including having their feet shot off by victorious rebels) and their property looted and destroyed by Libya's rebels upon taking over towns from "suspected Qaddafi supporters." While the report, and a torrent of corporate-owned media outlets attempt to play-down and spin the allegations confirmed by defacto rebel "prime minister" Mahmoud Jibril, they represent evidence indicating that Libya's violence is not divided along political aspirations for "liberal democracy" and support for Qaddafi, but rather along predictable, long standing ethnic divisions. These confirmed reports of rebel war crimes also provide evidence that NATO's involvement in Libya is justified by selective enforcement of an already illegitimate UN Security Council resolution for the sole purpose of removing Qaddafi - clearly not protecting Libyan civilians.
Libyan Intervention One of Imperialism, not Humanitarianism
Stated quite clearly in the corporate-funded, corporate-serving Brookings Institution's piece titled, "Libya's Test of the New International Order," the intervention in Libya "is a test that the international community has to pass. Failure would shake further the faith of the people's region in the emerging international order and the primacy of international law." Indeed this intervention is about asserting international law above national sovereignty and upholding an "international order" described by globalist degenerate Robert Kagan, a chief proponent of the current war in Libya, as serving "the needs of the United States and its allies, which constructed it."
This has absolutely nothing to do with democracy, human rights, or even the rule of law, international or otherwise. The same warmongering degenerate Robert Kagan who brazenly admits the "international order" serves American, not international interests, recently signed a letter to US House Republicans imploring them to disregard both the American people's will as well as UN Security Council r.1973 in order to commit to full intervention in Libya on behalf of rebels admittedly members of Al-Qaeda who are committing a myriad of war crimes in support of this neo-imperial campaign. Kagan's willingness to disregard even the contrived legalities authorizing NATO's involvement in Libya in the first place illustrates the unchecked, arbitrary nature of this emerging "international order," an order that feels it needs answer to no one.
It is imperative that people understand the true nature not only behind this intervention in Libya, but the "international order's" involvement, meddling, and intervention throughout the world. Any thorough examination of the United States government, the unelected corporate-funded think tanks that produce its policy, the corporate-owned media outfits that promote their agendas, and the immense global network of foreign-funded NGOs, foundations, and organizations carrying the agenda out, reveals a self-serving oligarchy merely using attractive ideals to sell their otherwise unpalatable agenda. As the Romans and the British had foisted upon millions during the construction of their despotic world spanning empires, the United States and their global allies are now using the facade of "civil society," "human rights," "democracy," and "freedom" to construct a new oligarchical global empire.