by Tony Cartalucci
Bangkok, Thailand June 30, 2011 - Brazenly violating a UN resolution it itself had help push through the Security Council, France has now admitted to arming Libya's rebels with machine guns, anti-tank weapons, and RPGs. UNSC r.1973 supposedly allowed only for NATO forces to "protect" Libya's civilian populations and specifically prohibited the supplying of weapons to either side.
Since the resolution's passing on March 17, 2011, NATO has incrementally exceeded the parameters set by the already illegitimate resolution by first systematically destroying Libya's military, then carrying out targeted assassinations, to then bombing civilian infrastructure, and now talking about a full-scale military invasion. Compounding the moral bankruptcy of the "international community," is the fact that the brazen violation is not only being brushed aside, but is being used to question whether NATO should do more to "hasten the downfall" of Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi.

UNSC r.1973 was passed after tenuous accusations were made against Qaddafi claiming he was intentionally targeting civilian populations during the opening salvos of the rebels' insurrection. Since then, many of these accusations have been verified as lies, and many of the very accusations made against Qaddafi have been documented first-hand amongst the rebels themselves. Casting the NATO operation in a further dubious light is that the rebels themselves are in fact affiliates of Al-Qaeda, many of their veteran fighters having just returned from Iraq and Afghanistan after battling US troops. With that in mind, the original UN resolution was unwarranted and illegitimate to begin with, not to mention recent attempts to expand upon it.
For more on Libya, please visit the Libyan archives.