by Tony Cartalucci

buildings. Pictured above is Deraa's burned out Baath Party HQ.
Bangkok, Thailand April 17, 2011 - With the war in Libya set only to expand, the precedent of attacking a sovereign nation based on unverified reports, to then assist foreign funded, armed insurrection is already being used to lay the groundwork for a similar campaign against Syria. The "Libyan Precedent" was already an articulated doctrine within the corporate-financier think-tanks long before Joe Lieberman and Nicolas Sarkozy began parroting it in speeches and interviews.
In a February 26, 2011 Brookings Institute report titled, "Libya's Test of the New International Order," the intervention in Libya was described as "a test that the international community has to pass." Failure would "shake further the faith of the people's region in the emerging international order and the primacy of international law." Succeeding, the report would go on to say, would "demonstrably draw a line in the sand to deter other Arab autocrats who resort to attacking their people rather than dialogue and genuine reforms." Of course by reforms, Brookings means integration into the "international system" its corporate-financier sponsorship lords over.
In late March after bombing began in Libya, Sarkozy of France would echo Brookings' sentiments stating, "Every ruler should understand, and especially every Arab ruler should understand that the reaction of the international community and of Europe will from this moment on each time be the same: we will be on the side of peaceful protesters who must not be repressed with violence." He would go on to say there is a "new post-UNSC 1973 model of "world governance.""
During a Fox News interview, Joe Lieberman would also threaten Syria with a Libyan-style intervention. What Sarkozy and Lieberman both fail to point out is that the opposition in Syria is funded and supported, as is the opposition across the Arab world, by the same corporate-financier interests that hand them both their talking points. Much of the Syrian opposition is comprised of London-based activists, the Muslim Brotherhood, their "national coalition to support the youth," and of course the admittedly US trained, funded, and equipped youth activists themselves.
Senator Joe Lieberman threatens military intervention
in Syria based on the "Libyan Precedent."
in Syria based on the "Libyan Precedent."
Sarkozy and Lieberman also forget to mention the fact that these protesters are far from merely singing songs and carrying placards. Riots, violence, shootings, arson, and clashes with security forces and residents loyal to the Syrian government are being reported from across the country. In the city of Deraa, protesters torched the Baath Party headquarters and destroyed cars parked along the street, while two protesters were reportedly killed as they attempted to light ablaze another government building in the city of Latakia.
The protests are clearly not "peaceful," rather marked
by violence and widespread arson.
It is difficult to understand how any responsible government should be expected to allow foreign funded mobs to commit widespread arson and vandalism with the expressed goal of removing the standing government from power. Doing so would embolden anyone with enough money from abroad to fund those willing to destroy property and risk lives locally in order to extort from the government their demands. It is also difficult to understand how these protesters are continuously labeled as "peaceful" by disingenuous meddlers and war mongers like Joe Lieberman and Nicolas violence and widespread arson.
The violence exhibited by the protesters is designed to intentionally provoke Syrian security forces attempting to maintain order. As security forces react, the corporate media and puppet politicians abroad attempt to leverage legitimacy away from Syria's government, citing the violence as a potential impetus for expanded meddling and even military intervention.
To ensure the violence and chaos continues during a color revolution, provocateurs are often employed to kill protesters and security forces alike - as seen in Thailand on April 10, 2010, now with similar mystery gunmen turning up in Yemen and Syria. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Syria yesterday to "refrain from any further violence against their own people," to further reinforce the official "Libyan-esque" narrative.
As with Libya, we are made to believe our "leadership" is reacting to spontaneous events unfolding on the ground, when in reality they are executing an agenda that has been on the drawing board since at least 1991. We must then look past the puppet politicians and the corporate media who are merely repeating talking points, and instead focus on the corporate-financier oligarchs writing these talking points. We must see them as the problem, and understand that replacing them is the real revolution.
For why these violent "revolutions" are not the answer and what might be a better alternative, read: "The Real Revolution."