Analysis by Tony Cartalucci
Bangkok, Thailand May 2, 2011 - It has already been illustrated that the corporate-financier oligarchs have committed themselves to an irreversible global confrontation by planning and executing the "Arab Spring" which is now quickly escalating into a regional military campaign. Concurrently, the West is stabbing at both Russia's peripheries in Eastern Europe as well as China's "String of Pearls" resting along Southeast Asia, Central Asia and into the Middle East.

in flames or at the bottom of the ocean, we are expected to take
the word of the US government who has just lied for 10 years
about Bin Laden being in Afghanistan - the basis of a ten year war.
While the focus of the world is myopically fixated on Northern Africa and the Middle East, with the immediate goal being the collapse of Syria and Iran, more astute observers have noted the building pressure on Belarus, Pakistan, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, and even Beijing itself.the word of the US government who has just lied for 10 years
about Bin Laden being in Afghanistan - the basis of a ten year war.
The implications of "Osama Bin Laden" being "killed" in the heart of Pakistan, just miles from the nation's capital of Islamabad, are dire indeed. The immediate knee-jerk reaction by the naive public is a sigh of relief, most likely ignorant of how truly close the US and Pakistan are to going to war. The Hindu of India recently published an article in the wake of the farcical announcement of Bin Laden's death titled, "End of the Fourth Afghan War: New Delhi." In it, they suggest this recent, fortuitous development serves as an opportunity for the United States to withdraw from Afghanistan and allow Pakistan to reconcile with India over its role in supporting rouge networks of "terrorists" within its territory.
Despite this admittedly alluring optimism, the Indian-Pakistani border is already being put on high alert. CNN's article, "The U.S. anticipates al Qaeda 'threats of retaliation'" also alludes to darker undertones of the supposed elation we are all expected to feel over Osama Bin Laden's second reported death. With Bin Laden's body being jettisoned out to sea - an unimaginable act of irresponsibility by the US after claiming to have killed the most notorious fugitive in human history - it is becoming clear that this stunt is being designed to lead into something much bigger.
Brazen admissions earlier this year by corporate-financier funded think-tanks suggested that the US should fuel Baluchi separatists in southwest Pakistan to carve the nation into pieces in direct response to Pakistan's growing relationship with China. The same Baluchi militants have already been trained, equipped, and unleashed by the US across Iran's eastern border. Confrontations between America and Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) have been steadily increasing in response to the CIA's escalating drone campaigns in Pakistani territory. US officials have been openly using the attacks and the subsequent public outrage directed toward the Pakistani government as a means of extorting concessions and driving a wedge between the government and the ISI.
With "Bin Laden's" death dubiously reported by the US, we already see the media implicating Pakistan for harboring the elusive "terrorist mastermind." LA Times' "Suspicions grow over whether Pakistan aided Osama bin Laden" makes it clear enough that the fallout from the Raymond Davis incident and the resulting hostility between the US and ISI may only be compounded by this latest development.
The West's strategy to disrupt China's "String of Pearls" is already being implemented via the engineered "Arab Spring." The next logical steps are disrupting, destabilizing, and/or deposing the governments of Belarus, Pakistan, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, and China itself. How exactly the US attempts to escalate or further manipulate its growing conflict with Pakistan is a matter of speculation but most likely will involve creating unprecedented unrest within Pakistan and perhaps involving India as well. It is unimaginable, barring a catastrophic false-flag attack on the US, for the US itself to justify or engage in any sort of armed conflict with Pakistan without Baluchi rebels or Indian troops bearing the brunt of such a conflict.
We are bearing witness to an increasingly desperate and reckless global gambit descending into the realm of the truly surreal. We must stand vigilant against further attempts to manipulate public perception in order to coax us further down this dark and doomed path. This includes vigilance against false-flag operations against both America and nations like India who require substantial provocation to take up this lost cause. There is no going back, no retreat for the globalists if they choose to escalate rather than defuse their crusade from this point forward.