as they hurl rocks at ElBaradei who most certainly is an American agent
- a trustee of the US International Crisis Group alongside George Soros.
Once again, Wikileaks provides suspiciously timed help for a globalist in need. Mohamed ElBaradei, US International Crisis Group trustee and leader of the Western-backed & trained youth movement that helped remove Hosni Mubarak from power, has been running into trouble in Egypt recently.
During the March 19th vote on Egypt's constitution, ElBaradei was attacked on his way to the polls by an angry mob calling him "an American agent." His troubles were compounded when the constitutional amendments, which ElBardei had told supporters to reject, passed by a large margin. ElBaradei of course, wanted the constitution rewritten from scratch, with a newly drafted proposal, funded by fellow ICG trustee George Soros, ready and waiting to be ramrodded through.
With ElBaradei steeped in growing political mire and dealing with rumors that he and his stooge Wael Ghonim are part of a Western plot, global news wires are now reporting a Wikileaks release painting him in an anti-American light. The 2009 cables reveal that American officials were "unhappy" with ElBaradei. The news report also includes some off-hand comments about ElBaradei's plans to reestablish ties with Tehran and his thoughts on the Middle East peace process being a "ridiculous joke."
Despite repeated claims that ElBaradei was or is an obstacle to Western interests, his "opposition" towards America over Iraq didn't forestall America's inevitable invasion, nor has it hampered operations against Iran. With ElBaradei openly a trustee of the corporate lined International Crisis Group alongside George Soros, Wesley Clark, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Richard Armitage, it's hard to believe his jabs were anything more than rhetorical fodder for his impressionable followers.
As rocks flew past ElBaradei on March 19th, one might say the "barrier of legitimacy" has been broken, just as ElBaradei helped break the "barrier of fear" surrounding Hosni Mubarak's regime. ElBaradei's image is quickly being hobbled by his deep ties to the US, his disingenuous meddling in Egyptian politics, and now his failure to sneak in his Soros-funded constitution. With a similar movement in Libya now overtly transforming into a Western invasion, ElBardei and opposition leaders across the Middle East will be fighting an uphill battle against accusations of being agents of the West - a battle the one-trick pony of Wikileaks most likely can't help fight.
In the Rest of the Region
Perhaps sensing the momentum of the "Arab Spring" grinding to a halt, Nicolas Sarkozy of France recently cited the bombardment of Libya and the "responsibility to protect" as a warning to the remaining Arab states. In particular he directed his warning toward Syria stating that, "every ruler should understand, and especially every Arab ruler should understand that the reaction of the international community and of Europe will from this moment on each time be the same: we will be on the side of peaceful protesters who must not be repressed with violence."
Sarkozy is not hindered by the fact that Libya's opposition consisted of armed rebels from the very beginning who have been fighting Libya's government on and off with US aid for the last three decades.
Sarkozy went on to say that there is a new post-UNSC 1973 model of "world governance." This is interesting to note, as this is foreshadowed in a Brookings Institute report titled "Libya's Test of the New International Order" back in February 2011. In it, proving the primacy of international law over national sovereignty was considered being at stake in Libya and the need to intervene being essential. Indeed, as the illusion of the "Arab Spring" fades, and targeted nation-states start fighting back, more aggressive measures are being rolled out to achieve the globalists' objectives. This includes military intervention on behalf of armed rebels, torn right from the pages of Brookings' own 2009 "Which Path to Persia?" report. Sarkozy's dangerous rhetoric certainly does open the door to intervention in both Syria and Iran.